Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Journal 4----Qiyang Luo

Journal 4
According to Jon Gertner’s article “True Innovation?(Feb 25, 2012),”  how is the Bell Labs built and the process of its develops. This lab helps United State make an innovative environment by encouraging innovation between engineers and workers. After the lab built, a lot of inventor have been created.
As the society developed, technology become more and more vital in our regular life. This improves the company to make much more invention than before. However, how to hearten the staff to be much more creative is the first problem in industry. The way Bell Lab works will solve the problem we meet. For example, Mr. Kelly’s philosophy consider the company should be freedom and aspirational which I agree with so much.
Freedom is the basic factor and also a critical factor for the innovation, especially in research. The staff should work in a atmosphere where the leader do not disturb your idea’s birth. Here is an instance. Mr. Kelly dropped the assignment into lap of an engineer and let them do not be influenced. This method just let the staff get more freedom on their work. If the environment is not free, how do the staff get better idea? If the environment is full of obstruct, do you think it could product innovation. Hence the freedom is the vital factor for innovation.
Second, aspiration is also important in innovation. If you want to invent a new product, you must will face various difficulty. Some one will give up, some one will keep on going. Edison does a large number of experiment and then find the best material for the core of  bulb. If Edison do not have aspiration, do you think he will keep on doing the experiment? Absolutely not. The more aspiration you have, the more power could encourage you to keep on doing no matter how difficulty you meet. That is why Bell Labs could become an famous lab in the world.
There are still a lot of parts of Kelly’s philosophy. Freedom and aspiration are just some of them. If you follow the Kelly’s philosophy, you could do the industry below, like research, IT company and so on.

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