Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Journal 3----Qiyang Luo

Journal 3

According to Marcelo Gleiser’s article “Is an identical Copy of You, You?(January 20, 2015),” We do not need to construct a perfect copy of ourselves since that is impossible on moral field or scientific field.
As the biology developed, there is an idea came out” Do you want an perfect copy of you ”. Someone says excellent since it could make us live forever, but someone consider that it is pretty changeable for human society on moral field. I agree with the latter one.
It will be a unbelievable critic for human society if there is a perfect copy of yourself. Could you distinguish which one is your wife? Which one is real yourself? Absolutely not! We could copy ourselves, but not a perfect one since we are unique on our mind.  The definition of death is the brain died. If there is a identical copy of you, do you really died one day you are died in accident? It is a debatable problem. That measure will change our orders in human society no matter in biology or ethics. So we do not need to copy a identical one of ourselves.
It will make a chaos in personality confirmation. For example, if your copy go to crime, is that your problem or that one? We do not know and we do not have qualification to comment since it is a complicated problem. However, we could copy another one that just only could finish some basic missions, like driving, cooking or so on. This measure will make our society more advanced and convenient.
In the end, the technology of copying human in brain is a unprecedented progress on biology. It will make us understand our body more and help us defeat various disease. But it  just only permit copying on some elements of our body, absolutely not a human mind since spirit is a label between human beings and other animals.

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