Sunday, February 8, 2015

Journal 3

In Marcelo Glesier’s article “Is an Identical Copy of You, You?” he discusses that if it’s possible to make an identical copy of ourselves now, it will bring some new argument for us.

I’ll let a copy of myself live in my place. I think it will not cause much huge problems for me. We just have the same memory and character. I am still alive. I’m not die for my copy. He will never instead of me. Thought I think he maybe not interested in replacing me. We might become more and more different after we make different friends and face different people. Anyway, he is same with me, so I think we could trust each other 100 percent. When I have to face some difficulties, he could help me to solve it.  We could improve ourselves together. On the other side, only one person is difficult to do something great. When there is an identical copy of myself, I could do much more things. He could be my partner. We could do some project or research together. When I feel upset, I could talk with him without worry. I believe we could be the best friend.

Maybe someone think our copies are dangerous. They will kill us and replace us, but I believe they are the normal people. We could help each other. We could develop our society together.


  1. this is a good point. maybe the copy of me and myself could be best friends and help me a lot instead of considering so much philosophy problem

  2. Wow, your opinion is totally opposite to mine. Well, I still feel it's weird to see myself sitting next to me in the same classroom. Weird!

  3. you are right,proof is powerful and solid,great ideas
