Sunday, February 1, 2015

Journal 2

Journal #2
Summary: This passage introduces what is Biomedical engineering and what Biomedical engineering ethics is about. It tells us the general ethical issues and some specific issues in different fields of Biomedical engineering.

Do people who have prosthetics in their brain be responsible for all of their actions? Well, I think people with artificial parts in their brains should be responsible for what they do. Having prosthetics might does some side effects to the way people behave or the way how people think. This doesn’t mean that people can do whatever they want and don’t have any responsibility to the things they do. They can control what they do, maybe something goes wrong, but people who are doing that way, they need to try to figure out how to solve it. To some extent, the things done by people with prosthetics is under controlling of the devices in them. If the device is too powerful, which could fully substitute human brain, then we should deny it. I don’t think biomedical engineers should develop brains that are superior to the normal human brain. Things could be so complicated if we can build superman everywhere. In my opinion, prosthetics should work within the limit of medication, no more than that. 


  1. On the other side, it is themselves who choose to accept the prosthetics in their brain. Everyone should responsible for their choices.

  2. Cool, sumpermen! Maybe someday I have to be an employee in a company ruuing by robots, and battery is my wage.... awful!
