Monday, March 2, 2015

Journal 5
When it comes to the issue that colleges are addicted to binge drinking these days, Wechsler give us some advices to help colleges get rid of binge-drinking behavior on campus. He comes up with the approaches to binge drinking by focusing on factors that make it easy for students drink too much rather than persuade students to stop binge drink by themselves. Overall, I am agree with his creative methods to this serious problem.

Colleges drinking too much has become a serious problem that has drawn the public attention recently, because it has bad influence on their academic performance and may lead to disruptive behaviors. Generally speaking, people always provide some suggestions on how to help them get rid of drinking addition after they have drinking addition trend. While others still think this problem troublesome, Wechsler gives us creative advices to solve binge drinking on campus. First, the author report, “students who binge tend to think they represent the norm” (Wechsler 22). And he suggests that we should raise their awareness of the harm of binge drink in order to decrease disruptive behaviors. Also, we can show them the bad side of overdrinking, such as drunk driving, poor academic performance, etc.

Another approach Wechsler notes in his article is crucial that “a college would be wise to engage student leaders in helping administrators to work out a clearly worded code of conduct that penalizes drunk behavior” (22). Things would be better if we can impose strict regulations on binge drinking. In addition, strict penalty could deter overdrinking as well. Just imagine you would be expelled out of school if you are addicted to alcohol. Many people will restrict their drinking habits and try to avoid overdrinking.

In short, from what we have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that only by taking prevention to deter overdrinking and raise the correct awareness of drinking could colleges achieve a successful college life.

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